BasicNet operates in the sport
and leisure apparel, footwear and accessories sector with the brands:
Kappa, Robe di Kappa, Jesus Jeans, Superga,
K-Way,Lanzera, AnziBesson, Sabelt and Briko.
The group's activity consist of enhancing the value of its trademarks
and spreading the products associates with them though a global network
of licensee and independent companies.
A TRADEMARK, includes any word, name, symbol, or device, or
any combination, used, or intended to be used, in commerce to identify
and distinguish the goods of one manufacturer or seller from goods
manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods.
In short, a trademark is a brand name
COUNTERFEITING is the imitation of any company's trademark
(either registered or not), tradename or any other right of
intellectual property. Counterfeiting is not only the use of
identical reproduction of the name and or device included in the trademark,
but also the use of any other name or device that may confuse the consumer
letting him believe that the goods have the same origins.
Our brands have gloriously marked the best steps in international sport?s history,
always with commitment, seriousness and quality.
Now, to keep assuring the value of our original products BasicTrademark offers
you the innovative chance to report in a very quick and simple way every
violation of the Group?s Intellectual Property Right.
Infringement in the global trade can be reported to us in this site.
If you want to report something please enter your username and password in
the fields on the right or sign in (register) now.
In this site is also possible find all the information about worldwide group?s
trademark registrations